April 20, 1920
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ENTERTAINMENT On Monday a splendid tea and pleasant entertainment was held at Gleiniant Schoolroom, under the auspices of the Juvenile Branch of the Glanvnant Lodge of Oddfellows. Tea was provided free to all the juvenile members and their parents, and also to the artistes taking part in the entertainment. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves in the afternoon. At the concert an interesting programme was sustained by the members of the juvenile and adult lodges, and by others connected therewith. Recitations were given by Masters Gwilym and Glynn Tilsley, Misses Annie J. Pugh, Elsie Bennett, and Hannah Brunt; solos by Nesta Tilsley, Beryl, Wilson, W.T. Hughes; and a duett by Idris and Trevor Williams; a dialogue was given by Madoc Jones and Oswald Richards. In the modulator test (juveniles) the winners were: 1 James Jones, 2 Ivor Wilson; special prize, G. Pugh. Unpunctuated test for juniors, 1 Hannah Brunt, 2 Jane Evans. In the adult part of the programme a recitation was given by Mr Edward Tilsley; solos by Miss A.J. Richards, Mr Ed. Jones, and Mr E.R. Watkins; a trio by Messrs W. Thomas and party; and a solo on W. Thomas and party; and a solo on local words composed, Mr Owen Jones. There were also competitions on impromptu speeches and unpunctuated reading. Mr Evan Evans, Penrorin, made an excellent chairman. Miss Rosa Thomas – a member of the Lodge – acted as accompanist. It is also worthy of notice that the Grand Master of the district and his son were present in the afternoon. Mr David Thomas took photographs of the juveniles. It is anticipated that there will be a substantial increase in the membership of adult and juvenile branches of the Lodge during the present year.
November 2, 1920
CHURCH THANKSGIVING – Harvest festival services were held in the Parish church on Thursday. The scared edifice was artistically decorated by the following ladies: Miss Mary Rowlands, Miss Pryce, Birchen House; Mrs Williams, Pleasant View; Miss Cissie Jarman and Miss Florrie Jarman who also sent fruit, flowers and vegetables, in addition to those sent by Miss Blanche Williams, Pleasant View, and Miss K Mills, Oluche. The special preacher for both the afternoon and evening services was Rev. Gwilym Rees, Vicar of Llanbrynmair, who preached forceful sermons. The services were conducted by the Vicar, Rev John Rowlands. Special harvest hymns were sung, Mrs Rowlands presiding at the organ. The congregations were large, and the collections were in aid of church expenses.