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1 The nuncupative Will of Ann Beversley late of Treveglwys
2 in the County of Montgomery and Diocese of Bangor Spinster
3 declared within six days last past was in manner and forme
4 following
5 First shee bequeathed and gave her soul to him if gave
6 it her in full assurance of a joyfull Resurection through the
7 meritts of Jesus Christ and her body to by buried mix ha. burial
8 in the Parish Church of Treveglwys aforesaid according to the
9 discretion of her Executor hereafter named.
10 Item shee gave and bequeathed unto her sister Joan, now
11 living in Bridgnorth in the County of Salopp the sum of Thirty
12 Shillings of Current English money to be paid her with the space
13 of a yee. next ensuing after her decease.
14 Item shee gave and bequeathed to her sister Mary
15 now living in the City of Worcester the like summs of Thirty
16 shillings to be likewise paid within the spare or a g.ere
17 next ensuing her decease.
18 Item shee gave and bequeathed to her niece
19 Bridget Swancott the daughter of John Swancott late of Llanidloes
20 decease all her wearing appaeral to be delivered her within
21 a month after her decease
22 Item shee gave and bequeathed to Ann the daughter of
23 Charles Benbow of Treveglwys aforesaid the sum of forty
24 shillings of like Curent English money to be paid in
25 the space of a year next ensuing after her decease
26 Item shee gave and bequeathed to Elizabeth the
27 daughter of Edward Bennett Trefeglwys aforesaid the
28 sum of forty shillings to be delivered her … in the
29 space of a year next ensuing after her decease
30 Lastly shee did constitute and appoint her will beloved
31 Cozen Charles Benbow of Trefeglwys aforesaid to be her
32 sole Executor of all the rest of her Goods and Cattells with said Will
33 is .ed..ed into writing the Twelfth day of August Anno Domini 1684.
34 Written .es to the same
35 The Mce of RJ Richard Jarman
36 Joan Evans
37 78
Page 2
Left side
38 Vi.simo neno dic .hisa. .i Chmo Im.. 1684
39 Rx. pba. appbo. et insinn.. fuit her persons le..
40 nun. inha…pt et jura… fu. Car..
41 Benbow Exer in … les. no.. de ..e et …
42 A… na… singula bone .i.. C.edi.. et Catta..
43 … defin.. … … debi. et Ley.. deso… …
44 Cumgin.og … (Salvo) xxi
45 Coram..e
46 H Wilson Surrogate
Right side
47 A true and perfect Inventory of the goods
48 Cattells and Chattells of … estate of
49 Anne Beversely of the parish i=of Trevegloes
50 in the County of Montgomery Spinster
51 deceased taken and apprised the 27th
52 daye of August 1684 … before us
52 Imprimis l – s – d
54 Seaven Sheepe 1 – 0 – 00
55 Debts oweing to the deceased 9 – 3 – 00
56 The deceased … wearing apparell 1 – 00 – 00
57 11 li – 8 – 00
58 The mark of
59 Richard Jarman
60 Griffith Davies
61 Thomas Edwards
A transcription of this digital image, held at the National Library of Wales.
References: B/1684/119/W and B/1684/119/I
Transcribed by originally for this website in mmvi and revised by Alison Bryan, vii.x.mmxi