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1 Trefeglwys
2 Ann Richards‘s Will
3 Under £600
4 Probate granted 5th April 1854
5 31 extra folios
6 John Davies Surrogate
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7 This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann
8 Richards the Wife of David Richards of Rhydycarrow in the Parish of Trefeglwys in the
9 County of Montgomery Flannel Fraper Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing
10 date respectively on or about the twenty fourth and twenty fifth days of October one thousand eight hundred
11 and Eight the Release being made or expressed to be made between Arthur Davies Owen Esquire of the
12 first part the said David Richards and me the said Ann his Wife of the second part and Nicholas
13 Bennett and Richard Bennett Farmer of the third part All Mark Messuage or Tenament with the Lands
14 and Appurtenances thereunto belonging containing together Nine Acres three Roods and seven perches little more or less
15 commonly called Dolegenney situate in the said Parish of Trefeglwys and then or then late in the possession
16 or Occupation of the said David Richards his undertenants or assigns were conveyed limitted and assured
17 To the use of such person or persons and for such Estate and Estates and to for and upon such uses such
18 Trusts intents and purposes as I the said Ann Richards notwithstanding my Ooverture and whether married or sole by
19 any such Deed so Writing as therein mentioned or by my last Will and Testament in Writing or any Codicil or Codicils
20 thereto to be by me duly executed and attested by three or more credible Witnesses should from time to time or at
21 any one time direct limit or appoint Now my will is and pursuant to and by virtue and in exercise
22 of the power and authority to use by the said in part recited Indenture of Release for this purpose given or limitted
23 as hereinbefore mentioned and all other powers and Authorities whatsoever enabling use in this behalf I the
24 said Ann Richards Do by this my last Will and Testament by my duly executed in the presence of and
25 atteested by the three credible persons whose Names are intended to be hereunder written in the presence of and
26 behalf irrovocably direct limit and appoint that all and singular the Messuage or Tenement lands and other
27 Hereditaments commonly called Dolegenney situate in the said Parish of Trefeglwys comprised in the said
28 in part recited Indentures of Lease and Release and therein and hereinbefore described with the
29 Appurtenances thereto belonging shall from and after my decease go and remain and that the said in part
30 recited Indenture of Release shall from thereforth operate and enure To and for the uses intents and purposes
31 following (that is to say) To the use intent and purpose that my Daughter Mary Evans Widow and her assigns
32 shall and may from and after my decease during her natural Life yearly receive and take one annual Sum
33 or Yearly rent charge of Five Pounds Sterling and to be charged upon and yearly issuing and payable out of all
34 and Singular the Messuage or Tenement Lands and other Hereditaments hereby limitted and appointed
35 or intended so to be and to be paid by equal half yearly payments on the twenty ninth day of September and
36 the twenty fifth day of March in every Year without any deduction or abatement whatsoever for Taxes or
37 otherwise and the first payment thereof to be made on such of the said half yearly days of payment as shall
38 happen next after my decease And to and for this further use intent and purpose that the said Mary
39 The Mark
40 X
41 Ann Richards
42 Witnesses
43 John Lewis Jnr
44 . Woosnam
45 J No Morgan
46 1
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47 Evans and her assigns may have usual pwoer from time to time distraining upon the said Messuage of Tenement
48 Lands and other Hereditaments hereby charged with the payment of the said Annual Sum or Yearly Rent charge of Five
49 Pounds hereby limitted and selling the Distress and Distresses there taken as in the case of Rent Services in Arrea for recovery
50 of the said Annual Sum or yearly Rent charge of Five Pounds and all Costs and Expenses attending such distress and Sale
51 as aforesaid of the same Annuity or yearly charge or any half yearly payment thereof shall be unpaid for Twenty one
52 days or more after either of the days hereby appointed for payment of the same And as to all and Singular the Messuage
53 or Tenement Lands and other Hereditaments hereby limited and appointed or intended so to be subject to the payments of the
54 said Annual Sum of Five Pounds hereby limitted and the power of Distress hereby given for enforcing payment thereof To the
55 only use and behoo. of my Daughter Margaret Lloyd for Heirs and Assigns for ever and to or for no other use
56 intent or purpose whatsoever And whereas under a certain Indenture bearing date on or about the twenty fifth
57 day or March one thousand eight hundred and one and made or expressed to be made between my said Husband
58 David Richards of the first part me the said Ann Richards then Ann Lloyd widoow of the second part and the
59 said Nicholas Bennett and Richard Bennett of the third part (being the Settlement made on my marriage with the
60 said David Richards) and the Condition of a certain ..o.d or obligation under the hand and Seal of the said David
61 Richards Dated on or about the twenty sixth day of December one thousand eight hundred and three I have power
62 dispose or different parts (making together the whole) of my personal Estate by my last Will notwithstanding my
63 Coverture Now my Will is and pursuant to and in exercise of the power and Authority or several
64 powers and authorities to me by the said Indenture of the twenty fifth day of March one thousand eight
65 hundred and one and the Condition of the said Bond or either of them for this purpose given or reserved or agreed
66 to be given and all other powers and authorities whatsoever enabling me in this behalf I the said Ann Richards Do
67 by this my last Will and Testament so by me executed and intended to be attested as hereinafter expressed make the
68 following dispositions of and with respect to my personal Estate (that is to say) I give appoint and bequeath unto
69 my Grandson Richard Evans the Sum of Fifty Pounds sterling to vest in and be paid to him in case and where
70 he shall attain the age of Twenty one Years And I give appoint and bequeath unto my Granddaughter
71 Elizabeth Evans the sum of Fifty Pounds sterling and unto and to each and way of my Grandchildren Ann Evans
72 Edward Evans, David Evans, Evan Evans, Margaret Evans, and Mary Evans the Sum of Twenty Pounds
73 sterling a piecce to vest in and be paid to them my Seven last mentioned Grandchildren respectively in case
76 and when they shall respectively attain the Age of Twenty Years And in case any one or more of my said
77 Eight Grandchildren shall die in my lifetime or incase my said Grandson Richard Evans being
78 living and under the Age of Twenty one years at my death shall afterwards die under that Age or in
79 case any one or more of them my said Seven other Grandchildren being living and under the Age of
80 Twenty Years at the Death shall afterwards die under that Age then and in each and every or
81 The Mark of
82 Ann X Richards
83 Witness
84 John Lewis Jnr
85 . Woosnam
86 J No Morgan
87 2
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88 any such case unto the Legacy intended to be hereby provided for each such Grandchild who shall die in
89 my life time and also as to as well the Original Legacy as the sare and share of Legacy or Legacies by virtue of
90 the present Clause surviving or acquiring to each and every such Grandchild who being living and as to my said Grand
91 Son Richard Evans under the Age of Twenty one Years and as to my said Seven other Grand Children under the age of
92 Twenty years at my Death shall afterwards die under such respective ages I give appoint and bequeath the same to the
93 Survivor or Survivors or others or other of them my said Eight Grandchildren equally to be divided between them and
94 their respective Executors Administrators and Assigns But to vest and be defeasible in the manner as is
95 hereinbefore expressed with respect to their his or her Original Legacies or Legacy And if all my said Eight Grand
96 Children … are shall either die in my life time or else after having survived me shall die before any of them
97 shall acquire a vested Interest in his or her Original Legacy under this my Will I give and bequeath all the
98 said Eight Legacies to such one Grandchild his or her Executors Administrators or Assigns and if all of them
99 my said Eight Grandchildren shall die in my life time or else having survived me shall die before any of them
100 shall acquire a vested Interest in his or her Original Legacy under this my Will then I direct all the said
101 Eight Legacies to lapse into and form part of my residuary personal Estate hereinafter disposed of
102 And my Will is that from and after my decease in the mean time and until the said Eight
103 Legacies shall respectively become vested and payable Interest for the same Legacies or such of them as
104 shall not be actually vested shall be payable of my personal estate at the rate of Five Pounds per Cent
105 per Annum and such Interest shall be paid to my said Daughter Mary Evans Widow (the Mother of
106 my said Eight Grandchildren) if and while living for her absolute benefit and after her decease shall be
107 retained by my Executrix for the benefit of such my said Grandchildren as shall become absolutely entitled
108 under this my Will to the Legacy or Legacies in respect of which the same shall be payable And I give
109 appoint and bequeath unto my Grandson Edward Tilsley the Sum of Twenty Pounds sterling and unto each and
110 every of my Grandchildren William Tilsley, David Tilsley, John Tilsley, Richard Tilsley, Ann Tilsley, Mary
111 Tilsley and Elizabeth Tilsley the sum of Forty Pounds sterling a piece the Legacies of the said Edward
112 Tilsley, William Tilsley, David Tilsley, John Tilsley and Richard Tilsley to vest in and be paid to
113 them respectively in case and when they shal respectively attain the age of Twenty one years and the
114 Legacies of the said Ann Tilsley, Mary Tilsley and Elizabeth Tilsley to vest in and be paid to them
115 respectively in case and where they shall respectively attain that age or marry under it And in case
116 any one or more of my said Eight last mentioned Grandchildren shall die in my life time or in case any
117 one or more of them being living and under the age of Twenty one years and as to my said three
118 last mentioned Grand daughters unmarried at my death shall afterwards being a Grandson or
119 Grandson die under that age or being a Grand-daughter or Grand-daughters die under that age
120 The Mark of
121 Ann X Richards
122 Witness
123 John Lewis Jnr
124 . Woosnam
125 J No Morgan
126 3
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127 without being or having married Then and in each and every or any such case as to the Legacy intended
128 to be hereby provided for each such last mentioned Grandchild who shall die in my life time And also as well
129 the Original Legacy as the share or share of Legacy or Legacies by virtue of the present Clause Surviving according to
130 each and every such last mentioned Grandchild who being living and under the Age of Twenty one Years and do to
131 my said three last mentioned Grand Daughters unmarried at my death shall afterwards being a Grandson or Grandsons
132 die under that Age or being a Grand Daughter or Grand Daughters die under that Age without being or having
133 being married I give appoint and bequeath the same to the survivors or survivor or others or other of them
134 my said Eight last mentioned Grand children equally to be divided between them and their respective
135 Executors Administrators and Assigns But to vest and be defeasible in the manner as in hereinbefore
136 expressed with respect to their his or her Original Legacies or Legacy and if all my said Eight last
137 menitoned Grand-children save one shall either die in my life time or else after having survived me shall
138 die before any of them shall acquire a vested Interest in his or her original Legacy under this Will
139 I give and bequeath all the said Eight last mentioned Legacies to such one last mentioned Grand
140 Child his or her Executors Administrators or Assigns And if all of them my said Eight last
141 mentioned Grandchildren shall die in my life time or else having survived me shall die before
142 any of them shall acquire a vested Interest in his or her Original Legacy under this Will then I direct
143 all the said Eight last mentioned Legacies to lapse into and form part of my residuary personal Estate
144 hereinafter disposed of And my Will is that from the after my decease in the mean time and
145 until the said last mentioned Legacies shall respectively become vested and payable Interest for the same
146 Legacies or such of them as shall be actually vested shall be payable out of my personal Estate at the
147 Rate of Five Pounds per cent per Annum and such Interest shall be paid to my Daughter Ann Tilsley
148 The Wife of William Tilsley and the mother my my said Eight last mentioned Grandchildren) if and,
149 while being for her sole and separate benefit exclusive of her said Husband and the receipt alone of her my
150 said Daughter Ann Tilsley or her Appointee or Appointees to be a sufficient discharge for the
151 same and after her decease such Interest shall be retained by me Executrix for the benefit of such
152 of my said Eight last mentioned Grandchildren as shall become absolutely entitled under this my Will
153 to the Legacy or Legacies in respect of which the same shall be payable And I give appoint
154 and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Lloyd the Wife of Owen Lloyd the Sum of
155 Two Hundred Pounds sterling to be paid to her within twelve Calendar Months next after my decease
156 (but without any Interest thereon) for her sole and separate benefit exclusive of her said husband
157 and the receipt alone of her the said Elizabeth Lloyd on her appointee or appointees to be a
158 sufficient discharge for the same And Whereas in or about the Year one thousand
159 The Mark of
160 X
161 Ann Richards
162 Witness
163 John Lewis Jnr
164 . Woosnam
165 J No Morgan
166 4
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167 Eight hundred and five and I gave my said Husband David Richards the Sum of Two hundred
168 Pounds out of my Personal Estate Now in addition thereto I give appoint and bequeath to him my said
169 husband the Sum of Fifty Pounds sterling to be paid to him within twelve calendar Months next after my
170 Decease Upon Condition nevertheless that he my said Husband do not obstruct or hinder my Executrix hereinafter
171 named in or from obtaining or attempt so to do and also do and shall on receiving such Legacy of Fifty
172 Pounds at the expence of my Personal Estate execute and give to my Executrix his Bond in a sufficient
173 Penalty conditioned for the repayment of the same Legacy to her her Executors Administrators or
174 Assigns with Interest thereon at Five Pounds per Cent per Annum in case he shall afterwards molest
175 disturb her in the enjoyment of my personal estate or attempt so to do And in Case my said husband
176 shall obstruct or hinder my Executrix in or from obtaining probate of this my Will or recovering
177 possessions of my personal Estate or performing the Trusts of this my Will or attempt so to do or
178 shall refuse or neglect to execute and give such Bond as last mentioned I revoke annul and make
179 void the said Legacy of Fifty Pounds and every part thereof And I appoint and direct all my
180 Debts Funeral and Testamentary Expenses and Legacies to be paid and satisfied out of my personal
181 Estate And as to all my Stock of Horses Cattle and Sheep Household Goods and Furniture
182 Farming and other implements Monies Securities for Money and other personal Estate and
183 Effects whatsoever after and subject to the payment of all my Debts Funeral and Testamentary
184 Expenses and the said Legacies I give appoint and bequeath the same and every part thereof
185 unto my said Daughter Margaret Lloyd for her absolute benefit And I appoint
186 her the said Margaret Lloyd sole Executrix of this my Will and Lastly I hereby
187 revoke all former and other Wills Codicils and Testamentary dispositions by me heretofore
188 made In Witness whereof I the said Ann Richards have at the bottom of the four first
189 Sheets of this my Will (the whole whereof is contained in five Sheets of Paper) subscribed my
190 name and to this fifth and last sheet set my Hand and Seal this fourth day of
191 October in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two
192 The Mark of
193 X
194 Ann Richards
195 [seal]
196 Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above named
197 Ann Richards the Executrix as such for her last Will and Testament and by
198 her duly executed in the presence of and attested by as the three persons
199 where Names are hereunder written and who at her request and in her presence
200 and in the presence of each other have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
201 John Lewis Jnr of Neiddu
202 . Woosnam of Llanidloes
203 J No Morgan his Clerk
204 5
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204 On the fifth day of April in the year of our Lord 1834
205 the within written Will was insinuated, proved, approved
206 and in common form of Law, decree valid and … in swotion
207 granted to the within named Executrix Margaret Lloyd
208 she being first sworn in common form of Law and that
209 the whole of the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said deceased
210 do not amount in value to Six hundred Pounds
211 before me
212 John Davies Surrogate
Page 8
213 Under £600
214 Will of Mrs Richards
215 Woosnam
A transcription of this digital image, held at the National Library of Wales.
References: B/1834/163/W
Transcribed by Alison Bryan, xxvi.ix.mmxi