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1 This is the last Will and Testament of
2 me Daniel Jerman the Elder late of Glangwden in
3 the Parish of Trefeglwys in the County of Montgomery but now
4 of Birchin House in the same Parish Farmer, I will and
5 direct that all my just debts both on speciatly and simply Contract
6 Funeral and Testamentary Expenses shall be paid and discharged
7 by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be
8 after my decease. I give and bequeath to my Son Daniel Jerman
9 the sum of Sixty Pounds being part of the sum of Eighty Pounds
10 due from him to me by his promisory Note And I do hereby
11 release and wholly discharge my said Son Daniel his Executors
12 Administrators and assigns of and from the said sum of Sixty Pounds
13 And I order and direct him to pay my Executors the remaining
14 sum of Twenty Pounds so that the same may form part of my
15 general personal Estate hereinafter mentioned. I give and bequeath
16 to my Son David Jerman the sum of One hundred Pounds which
17 he owes me secured by his promissory Note. And I do hereby
18 release and wholly discharge the said David Jerman his Executors
19 Administrators and assigns of and from the said sum of One
20 hundred Pounds. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Wife
21 of William Jones the sum of Fifty Pounds And it is my Will
22 and meaning that the said William Jones his Executors
23 Administrators and assigns shall be released and wholly discharged
24 of and from the sum of One hundred Pounds advanced by me to
25 him upon his Memorandum dated the twenty third day of November
26 one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. I give and bequeath
27 to my Daughter Ann Wife of John Pryce the sum of One hundred and
28 forty Pounds. To my Grandson Daniel Ashton Son of Valentine Ashton
29 Six Pounds. To my Grand Daughter Elizabeth Wife of John Brown
30 Five Pounds. To my Grandsons Daniel and John Sons of my said
31 Daughter Ann Pryce Nineteen Guineas a piece. To my Grandchildren
32 David, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, Edward, Daniel, and Ann Children of
33 my Daughter Elizabeth Wife of Jonathan Tilsley Six Pounds a piece
34 and to my Nephew Thomas Jerman Son of my late Brother in Law
35 Thomas Jerman Five Pounds And I direct that the aforesaid
36 Legacies shall be paid to such of the said Legatees as shall have
37 attained the age of Twenty one years at the time of my decease at the
38 end of twelve months next after my decease and to such other of the
39 said Legatees as shall not have attained that age at my decease as
40 and when they respectively attain such age with Interest at Four Pounds
42 per centum per annum from the time of my death I also give and
43 bequeath to my Daughter Ann Wife of John Pryce All my Household
44 Goods and Furniture (except my Beaureau which stands at present
45 in the Room where I usually Sleep) together with the
46 Dairy and Brewing Uttensils Plate, Linen and China which shall
47 belong to me and be in my possession at the time of my death for her
48 own use and benefit. I give and bequeath the said Beaureau to me
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49 Grandson Daniel Pryce. I give devise direct limit and appoint
50 unto my three Sons David, Thomas and Edward Jerman All those
51 my Messuages or Dwelling Houses Gardens and Lands with the
52 Appurtenances called Glancerrist situate in the Parish of Llanidloes
53 in the County of Montgomery And also All and singular my Farming
54 Stock Implements in Husbandry Corn and Grain Monies and secuirites
55 [side margin] JM
56 [side margin] M.D.
57 [side margin] EE.
58 for Money and all other my xxx X personal Estate and Effects not
59 hereinafter specifically given and bequeathed or of which I shall dre
60 possessed or be entitled to in any manner To hold unto and to
61 the use of my said Sons David Thomas and Edward Jerman their
62 Heirs Executors Administrators and assigns forever share and share
63 alike as Tenants in Common and not as join Tenants Subject nevertheless
64 to and charged and chargeable with the payment of all my just debts
65 Funeral and Testamentary Expenses and the Legacies hereinbefore
66 bequeathed And I hereby nominate and appoint my said three
67 Sons David Thomas and Edward Jerman joint Executors of this
68 my Will And do declare it to be my intention that notwithstanding
69 the devise hereinbefore mentioned to my said Son Thomas Jerman
70 he shall pay or account for the sum of One hundred Pounds now due
71 from him to me on his promissory Note with all Interest due thereon
72 at my decease in full as part of my general personal Estate And hereby
73 revoking and making void all former and other Wills and Testamentary
74 dispositions by me made I declare this only to be my last Will and
75 Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
76 this twenty fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one
77 thousand eight hundred and forty
78 Daniel Jerman
79 [seal]
80 Signed sealed and Published by the
81 Testator Daniel Jerman as and for his last
82 Will and Testament in the presence of us who
83 were present at the same time and who have
84 in the persence of each other and of the Testator
85 and at his request subscribed our Names
86 hereto as Witnesses
87 JN Morgan of Llanidloes
88 Matthew Davies Grocer Trefeglwys
89 Evan Evans Shopman with Mr Davies
90 11 folin (l mg)
91 72
92 12
93 864
94 37
95 ../901 10
96 12 900
97 1
98 12/37
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99 On the 18th day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand
100 Eight Hundred and Forty Three, the within written will, was insuinated,
101 proved, approved, and in common form of law decreed valid, and
102 administration granted to the within named Executors, David
103 Jerman, Thomas Jerman, and Edward Jerman, they being first
104 sworn in common form of law, and that the whole of the goods
105 chattels, and credits of the said deceased do not amount in
106 value to Four Hundred and Fifty Pounds
107 Before me
108 E. Pughe, Surrogate
109 The deceased died the 24th day of November 1842
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110 Trefeglwys
111 Will of
112 Mr Daniel Jerman Gent
113 Sub £450
114 Probate granted 18th November 1843
115 E. Pughe
116 Surrogate
A transcription of this digital image, held at the National Library of Wales
Reference: B/1843/175/W
Transcribed by Alison Bryan, xxi.ix.mmxi
2 responses to “Will: Daniel JERMAN, Glangwden now of Birchin House, 1843”
I think the bureau mentioned in the will is bequeathed to grandson Daniel Pryce rather than David Pryce.
You are right, thanks for pulling me up on that. I have amended the transcription. Thanks.