Will: Margaret WILSON, 1659

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1 Margaret Wilson

2 In the name of God Amen.
3 The seaventh day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God 1659, I Margarett
4 Wilson of the parish of Trevegloes in the county of Mountgomery Widdow
5 being sicke in body but of good and perfect memorie (praise be given to Almighty
6 God) therefore doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and
7 forme Following committing my soule into the hands of Almighty God my
8 Creator hopeing to be partaken with the faithfull by the meritts of Jesus Christ
9 my Redeemer and as for my worldly goods I dispose of as herein hereafter may
10 appeare First I give and bequeath unto Ellinor the wife of William Woos-
11 nam being my second daughter the summe of three pounds Also I give and
12 bequeath unto Elizabeth Bennett my third daughter the like summe of three
13 pounds

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14 pounds which said summe of three pounds is already in her hands Also I give
15 and bequeath unto Margarett the wife of John Brees my fourth daughter the
16 like summe of three pounds Also I give and bequeath unto Jane the wife of Thomas Baxter
17 my youngest daughter the summe of seaven pounds of which said summe of seaven
18 pounds twenty shillings is already paid being debt due to me from the said
19 Thomas Baxter Likewise I give and bequeath unto the said Jane my youngest
20 daughter the summe of Forty shillings being debt due to me from Master William
21 Herbert and my Will is that the said Jane shall be at the charge of getting
22 and recovering[?] the said summe of Forty shillings without putting my Executor
23 to any trouble Also I give unto Richard Woosnam my grandsonne the sume
24 of tenn shillings Also I give unto Edward Wilson the summe of twentie
25 shillings Also I give unto Ellinor Wilson the summe of tenne shillings Also
26 I give and bequeath the summe of Five shillings towards the reparation
27 of the parish church of Trevegloes All the rest of my goods chattels and and debts
28 by Specialty and also without not formerly bequeathed I give and bequeath
29 unto Thomas Hall my sonne in law And I doe also nominate and appointe
30 the said Thomas Hall to be my sole Executor of this my last Will and
31 Testament hopeing in God that hee will performe it according to the true mean-
32 ing hereof In witnesse whereof I the said Margarett Wilson to this
33 my last Will and Testament doe put my hand and Seale and doe revoke
34 all other Wills formerly by me made formely by those present The wille
35 of the said Margarett Wilson Sealed and delivered in the sight and
36 presence of Ju.ie[?] Morris, Giles Medins, Christopher Hall, John Savage

37 This Will was proved at London before the
38 Judge for probate of Wills and graunting Administration lawfully
39 authorized the nine and twentieth day of September in the year of our
40 Lord God one thousand six hundred Fifty nine by the oath of Thomas
41 Hall the sonne in law of the said Testator and sole executor named
42 in the said Will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods
43 chattels and debts of the said Testator was committed She being first by
44 Commission sworne truely to Administer the same according to the tenor and
45 effect of the said Will

Transcribed from a digital image brought from the National Archives.
Catalogue reference: PROB 11/295

Transcribed by Ruth Hayward, mmvi and revised by Alison Bryan, xi.x.mmxi

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