May 26th 1874
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The late accident – we are much pleased to find that the sufferers in the later trap accident have or are fastly recovering. Mr David Evans of the Belle Vue Inn, about whose condition many fears were expressed, having almost wonderfully recovered. Though weak, he is able to do business.
Tuesday June 16th 1874
Page 6
Marriage Rejoicing – Friday June 5th was a day of musical rejoicing in the quiet village, being the celebration of the marriage of Mr E. Bennett of Glanyrafon and Miss E. Savage, of Rhydycarw. At the break of day scores of willing hands were to be seen erecting arches &c, along the route leading to the church. The first one, as the carriages entered Trefeglwys, was a good substantial arch with a well executed motto of crimson letters on a white ground, “Long life and happiness to Mr and Mrs Bennett “, and on the other side an elegant design in ivy leaves on a pink ground of two hearts united with wreaths and monogram, the handiwork of Miss Lizzie Savage, Mr W Savage and Mr John Savage, Pwllglass. In the church the choir had assembled and led by Mrs Ashton, Llanidloes, sang sweetly “The Marriage Hymn” from “Hymns Ancient and Modern”, Miss Ashton presiding at the harmonium. That lady also played with much taste “The Wedding March” on the wedding party leaving the church. The church was neatly decorated with flowers by Mrs Ceiriog Hughes, especially the altar and east window, and the lamps on the aisle with pretty leaves of ferns and flowers. The booming of the cannon announced the arrival of the first carriage, containing Messrs N. Bennett, E. Bennett, and E. W. Savage. The bride was given away by her uncle, the much respected Squire Woosnam of Bodaioch Hall. She wore a rich dress of grey moire with Honiton lace mantle, bonnet, and fall. On leaving the church, the wedding party were hailed with a shower of roses, while little girls dressed in white strewed flowers the whole length of the path. At the entrance of the churchyard Mr and Mrs Lloyd of Talgarth, had made a pretty floral bower with appropriate motto. Mrs Hughes, The Green had a flag with the words “May God Bless Them” worked in a laurel of leaves and flowers. A handsome arch was erected by Mr Mills and his friends with the motto “Let us be merry”, and another arch on a similar scale by Mr Humphries (smith’s shop), completed the village’s decorations; but we hear that Mr Tudor had erected some elaborate bowers near Bodaioch Hall. The wedding party drove off to the hall where a magnificant luncheon awaited them, prepared by Mrs E.W. Savage and the Miss Pryce, Maes Mawr, which for elegance and taste would perhaps astonish even Bolland. The health of the bride and bridgegroom having being proposed by the worthy vicar, the Rev. W. S. Williams, it was as warmly and as pithily responded to by Mr E. Bennett. Appropriate speeches were also made by Mr N. Bennett, Mr Woosnam and Mr E. W. Savage. The bridal pair left early in the afternoon for Caersws en route for London, amid showers of old slippers, the firing of a cannon, and ringing of bells. When we look at the position of both parties, and the fact that the two families are the oldest in the neighbourhood, we cannot wonder at the great heartiness of the demonstrations. Similar rejoicings were held at Llawryglyn. We understand there is to be a presentation of plate (subscribed for by their very numerous friends) to Mr and Mrs Bennett on their return.
Tuesday June 30th 1874
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Marriage Rejoicings and Presentation
In our impression of the 16th inst,, we inserted a notice of the marriage of Edward Bennett, Esq., of Glanyrafon, to Miss Elizabeth Savage, of Rhydycarw, which took place on June 5th. In that notice it was stated that greater rejoicings would take place, and a presentation of place would be made on the return home of the happy pair from their marriage tour. So far as we can understand, the marriage was intended to be strickly private, or as private as matters of the kind under the laws which regulate such affairs can be, but notwithsanding all the secrecy, the public were equal to the occasion, and so far as we can learn, no marriage in the place was ever celebrated amidst so much eclat. A turn such as this may have been expected, when the position of the families of both bride and bridegroom are taken into consideration, and we may add, nothwithstanding the wishes of the parties to the contarary, that anything less than was done would not have been commensurate with the respect which was justly due. The suddenness of the event preventing the celebration thereof in a manner equal to the wishes of the public, it was resolved to defer the more public part of the proceedings till (as before stated), after the return home of the newly wedded pair. For this purpose a committee of the most respectable inhavitants of the parish, with assistance from Llanidloes, Newtown, and elsewhere, was formed, having for their chairman the Rev. W. S. Williams, vicar, Mr. Tudor, treasurer, Mr. W. Savage, secretary. Committee – Mr. R. Greenhow, Llanidloes; Dr. Shiels, Llanidloes; William Mills, Matthew H. Davies, James Davies (Church Farm), Charles Evans (Finnant), and Mr E. H. Jones (Newtown). Collectors were appointed, who shortly were able to report subscriptions amounting to over ?60, and up to the latest moments letters were received containing subscriptions, thus evincing the sympathy of distant, as well as local friends in the event. At the committee meetings which were held, it was resolved to apply part of the money to the purchase of an elegant time piece, for a marriage present to the bride, to purchase an ox for distribution among the poor of the parish, to employ a band to give life to the proceedings, and to wind up the whole by a subscribers dinner to which the bridgegroom and members of the families were to be invited. In what follows, it will appear that the intentions of the committee were carried out, if not exceeded. It may be further started, that the ox, a fine animal, was purchased from the stock of Mr George Pryce, Penygelly, Kerry, who, as a breeder and feeder, has no superior in the county of Montgomery. The animal was consigned to the tender mercies of Mrs Edmund Bumford, Great Oak Street, Llanidloes, who admirably succeeded in making it fit for the position it was to fill in the proceedings of the day. The time piece, an exceedingly handsome article, in gilt, and onyx, with glass shade, was selected for the stock of Mr. Richard Jones, watchmakers, Llanidloes, and was worthy of the occasion.
We believe that it has not yet been mentioned that Thursday last was the day for the rejoicings, and it was only just to state, that a finer day for such a purpose could not have been selected. The sun shone brilliantly, and the fields, refreshed by the rains of the previous days, presented a most beautiful appearance, and it may be truly said that the romantic village and magnificient scenery surrounding it never looked in better trim. In keeping with the natural conditions presented, the human denizens of the neighbourhood had donned their holiday attire, and appeared determined to make the day one in reality of festivity and rejoicing. The only matter of regret is that the proceedings did not commence at an earlier hour in the day, and thus allow greater scope for those outbursts of feeling and respect which such occasions are calculated to evoke.
To describe the events of the day in their natural order, it may be necessary to say that the day opened with the ringing of the Church bells, upon which whether as regards depth or beauty of tone or the manner in which they were handled, the inhabitants can not be complimented. But the ringers did the best they could with the materials they had in hand, and the will may be fairly accepted for the deed. The next order was the arrival of the ox, duly decorated, and placed on a “bran new waggon” drawn by tree splendid animals, the property of Mr. Davies, Church Farm. The next to arrive was the Llanidloes brass band, whose sonorous tones as heard in the distance, put the villagers alive, and sent the youngesters in a crowd towards the place from whence the sound proceeded. The next was the arrival of a waggon drawn by a smart little team, the property of Mr. Evans, of Brynderwen, intended for the use of the band. Then came the hurry and bustle of forming the procession, which was not a little matter – the horses being a trifle “frangy” at frist, being unaccustomed to the noise of the band, an the “taps” on the drum. This little difficulty was soon got over, and the animals soon settled down to their work with all the steadiness of old troopers. The members of the committee and managers of the day’s proceedings, beyond wearing matrimonial favours, were conspicious by the activity and earnestness with which they went about their respectives duties. By and by, all was pronounced ready, and the order to proceed being given off started the procession en route for the Finnant, a beautiful farm residence in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Evans, some half mile out of the village, on the Caersws road. At the Finnant, we understand, the band and crowd were handsomely received by Mr Evans. It may be stated that it was intended to visit Bodaiach, but on account of the serious illness of the housekeeper, this part of the performance was wisely left out. After having done the village, where a copious supply of beer to the band and others was issued by the Hostess of the Red Lion, whose hostelry was the grand centre of the day’s proceedings. Matters completed here the procession started off for Rhyd-y-carw, in doing so, those who were strangers to the neighbourhood had a sample of the roads in the upper part of Montgomeryshire, and the necessity which existed for the adoption of the Highways Acts. Here it may be said that any little labour which was end tired trudging after the waggon was amply for the first time in panoramic fashion, may have been unfolded to the eye. We ask those who are fond of prying into the nooks and valleys of Wales to give the valleys of the Trannon and the Cerist a visit, and if they, with ourselves, do not arrive at the conclusion that the scenery herein displayed does not equal, if not surpass, anything that they have previously seen, it is very evident that they have no eye for the beautiful. Arrived at Rhyd-y-Carw, those who had the courage to find their way there had the mortification to find that Mr. Bennett, unaware of the intended visit, had left home for Glanyrafon in the morning, and had not yet returned when the procession arrived. However, Mrs. Bennett was equal to the occasion, and discharged the duties of host and hostess with fitting liberality. Upon leaving Rhyd-y-Carw the procession returned to the village, where the process of cutting up and dividing the ox was commenced, and for upwards of two hours the knight of the cleaver and the distributor committee had a warn and arduous task f it, but this was eventually got through, the list made out by Mr William Jones enabling the distributors to despatch the affair with celerity and satisfaction. It may now be stated that the committee, finding in the afternoon that they had surplus funds at their command, resolved to expend part therof in rural sports, and, withdrawing the company from the village to a field at the back thereof, for nearly two hours some spirited races for teac and tobacco were run, and other sports indulged in, not forgetting the never-to-be-forgotten game of “kiss in the ring”, which on this occasion had its admirers and participants; the band being fixed in one of the rings, gave the game an unusual interest. It may be stated, and it is a fact which redounds to the credit of the committee, that although the public houses did a good business during the day, none of the subscribers’ money was expended in beer. This is an example worthy of emulation.
At the time it may be said that the labours of our reporter came to an end, the arrangements of the train necessitating him to leave whilst the dinner (which to many by this time had become a necessity) was still in prospective. It will thus be seen that the remaining parts of this report have been supplied by esteemed correspondents in the neighbourhood.
The Dinner
took place about 6.30, at the Red Lion Hotel, when a sumptuous and highly commendable supply of the best was served up by Mrs Humphreys. About 60 persons sat down. Owing to the smallness of the room the company had to sit down in relays, the first consisting of the Rev. D. S. Williams, vicar, who presided; E. Bennett, Esq., Nicholas Bennett, Esq., Evan Woosnam Savage, Esq., Mr Greenhow, Dr. Shiels, Llanidloes, &c., &c. For the reason above stated the dinner was a long affair, and had not closed when the presentation was made,
The Presentation
was arranged to take place in the National Schools, at 8 o’ clock. At the time appointed the room was densely crowded, so much so that it was with difficulty that those who were appointed to take part in the proceedings could proceed to their proper places. This company included, the bride and bridgegroom, N. Bennett, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. Woosnam Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Greenhow, Mr. and Mrs. Ceiriog Hughes, and a large number of the elite of the neighbourhood. When all was in readiness, the Vicar, who was deputed to make the presentation said: Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, – I have been highly honoured by the committee of to-day’s proceedings in being appointed their representative to present you with this elegant time-piece, for a memorial in your family of the happy and important event of your marriage. As a comparative stranger within the parish I have had in the last few weeks ample proof that you both and your respective families stand eminently high in the estimation of your neighbours in general, as well as in the affection of readiness exhibited in subscribing and willingness in co-operating to celebrate our marriage rejoicing in great respect your acquaintances have for you. And now, on behalf of the subscribers, I desire you to accept this small tribute of respect at our hands. May your late marriage be the means of adding much to your future happiness; and may God, in his mercy, grant you a long and prosperous life, to enjoy the company of each other. And when this life will be at an end, may you both meet together in a happier world, as a brother and sister of your Lord and Saviour, to live for ever with Him. Again I say that I, in the name of the numerious subscribers, and on behalf of the committee, present you with this handsome and elegant time-piece.
Mr. Edward Bennett, in accepting the valuable and beautiful time piece, and he was deeply impressed in two way, for he never believed he had half the number of friends around him. It grieved him greatly to find the trouble which had been taken, and the kindness from its excessiveness and unmeritedness, was in some respects unkind and a source of pain. To soothe that pain he had he pleasure of believing that the number of his friends and well-wishers were twenty times as large as he anticipated. On behalf of Mrs. Bennett and himself he begged to tender his most sincere thanks. (Loud applause).
Complimentary remarks were afterwards made by Mr. R. Greenhow and Mr. J. Ceiriog Hughes, after which these proceedings closed, the Vicar and his company returning to the dining room, where the usual after dinner speeches were made.
Another dinner was provided for the occasion by Mr. and Mrs. Evans, of he Belle Vue, to which a large number sat down.
It may be stated that before parting it was proposed by Mr. Ceiriog Hughes, seconded my Mr. W. Savage, that votes of thanks be given to Mr. Davies, Church farm, and Mr. Evans, Brynderwen for the loan of their teams and waggons. The vote was ably acknowledged by Mr. James Davies.