In the Name of God Amen The Thirtieth day of August, in the Third year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James the Second by the Grace of God of Great Brittain, France and Ireland King, Defendor of the Faith Christian? & in the year of our Lord Christ according to the Computation of England One thousand sixe hundred eighty & seavon. I Hugh Wilson of Trefeglwys in the County of Mountgomery Cler. being much weakned by Sickness, but of sound & perfect faculty of mind (for which I praise my heavenly Father) do make constitute & publish this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following. First I comend my Soule to him that gave it me having by & through the only meritts & mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour & Redeemer to obtaine Remission of my Sins, & everlasting Salvation. & my body to the earth to be buried in Christian buriall according to the directions given to my Executrix hereafter named. And as for that Temporall Estate with which it hath pleased God to bless me I dispose of it as followeth. Inprimis I give & bequeath to Wm. Lloyd my Stepson all my Sawed boards, Cupboards, table boards & Lumber which are in the Mansion house of Maes-Bangor or in the outhoues thereunto belonging or Forty shillings in money to be paid or delivered him when he shall attain to the age of one & twenty yeares by my Executrix hereafter named. Item I give & bequeath unto my Son John Wilson all my Study of books, Pamphletts Sculptures papers & manuscripts as also all my Silver Plate instruments of Musicke all my Fowling peeces & pistolls, my bowes & all my Quivers of arrows all my staves & Angling tackle as also Five pounds in money to be paid him when he attaines to the age of one & twenty yeares. Item I give & bequeath unto my three daughters Mary, Margaret & Elizabeth & the child yet? is in my wifes womb be it male or female the severall sums of Five pounds apeece of Current English money to be paid them by my Executrix hereafter named when they shall attain the age of one and twenty yeares. Item for all the rest of my personall Estate goods Cattle & Chattells I give & bequeath them to my Dearly Beloved wife Mary Wilson to be by her distributed amongst my said Children as they shall each deserve by being obedient to her their Parent & by other vertuous & pious Actions. But if it shall please Almighty God that my said wifei should dye & depart this mortall life or be marryed to another husband, Then do I hereby give & bequeath all my said personal Estate Goods Cattle & Chattells so before bequeathed to her; to my Dearly beloved friends Edward Lloyd of BerthLloyd in the said County Esquire, Richard Jones Doctor o’the Lawrs & Chancelour of the Church of Bangor, & Rice Vaughan of Golonnydd in the County of Cardigan Gent. and to be by them or any two of them distributed amongst my said Children as they or any of them shall best deserve by good pious & vertuous actions & behaviour; & however it shall fall out whether my said wife dye or live be married or not, yet do I request & earnestly desire my said dearly beloved friends Edward Lloyd Richard Jones & Rice Vaughan to be carefull overseers of this my last Will & testament. And lastly I constitute nominate & appoint my said dearly beloved wife Mary Wilson to be sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament & anulling & making void all former & other wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand & Seal the day & yeare first above written & so to the blessed Unity in Trinity & Trinity in Unity Comend I my Spiritt.
Sealed & Published in the H WilsonCleric
presence & sight of [Seal]
John Bennett
Margaret [mark] Masons mark
The mark of [mark] Bridget Price
9 die Novembr Anno Dom. 1687….(latin)…Maria Wilson Vid & Relect…..Executrix…
Rich: Jones
B1687-137 I
A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods cattell chattell & Debts and Credits of Hugh Wilson Clerk late vicar of the severall parishes of Llanguricke and Trevegloes in the countie of Mountgomery made the xxth day of October in the year of our Lord God 1687
[Detailed Inventory follows]
Value 377.9.4
Appraised and valued by:
Edward Bennett
John Bennett
Transcribed by Julie Preston, 2006