Weekly Mail

Weekly Mail

2 December 1882


MYSTERIOUS DEATH. — On Monday morning a youth named Thomas Evans was found dead in his father’s stable at Trefeglwys, near Llanidloes. Deceased got up and appeared in his usual health, and went to the stable to feed the horses. He was not seen again. Search was made, and he was found dead. The cause of his death is unknown, but it is surmised he was fatally kicked by a horse. An inquest will be held.

9 July 1904


At Pontypridd Bankruptcy-court on Tuesday Thomas Owen Brown underwent hie public examination before the registrar (Mr. James E. Spickett). Mr. Cross, solicitor, Cardiff, appeared for the debtor. The gross liabilities were recorded at £9,985 10s.; £1,522 178. 11d. expected to rank for dividend; deficiency, £1.527 17s. 1d. Sixty-eight creditors were unsecured to the extent of £1,185 16s. 5d, and one creditor was fully secured for £8,477 14s. 5d.

Debtor attributed his insolvency to pressure by creditors and loss on speculations, having leased a site for a hotel and being unable to obtain an offer after spending about £1,000 upon it. The fully-secured creditor held (in respect of money advanced) mortgages on workshops, three cottages, agreement for lease of cottages and hotel site at Tylorstown, consisting of 41 cottages (36 being finished) and 41 more to be erected, eight houses in Ferndale, three freehold cottages, and freehold farm at Trefeglwys, &c., and debtor thought the estate would not be called upon to bear the liabilities. In December, 1902, his assets exceeded his liabilities to the extent of £4,000. He had spent about £1,000 in excavation and building retaining walls on the hotel site, and had had no return. His business as a whole had been fairly remunerative, and had it not been for the pressure brought to bear upon him he would have been able to go on and pay his creditors in full. — The examination was closed.

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