Will: Andrew BREES, 1707

Andrew BREES, 1707

1   In the name of God Amen I Andrew Brees of the parish
2   of Treveglwis and County of Montgomery Yeoman … sick in
3   Body and of sound and perfect mind and memory Prays be therefore
4   Given to allmighty God do make and ordian this in y …
5   [cross symbol – Christ?] last Will and testament in manor and form folwing that
6   Is to say first and prin.cipally I commend my Soul into the
7   hands of all mighty God hoping through the merits death and
8   Passion of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free
9   Pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit over
10  lasting life and my Body I commit to the earth to be descer..
11  Buried at the descretion of my executors here after …
12  d and as tuching the dispostion of all such tes.e.all Est
13  ate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me
14  I give and dispose thereof as foloweth
15  Imp… I do demise give and bequeath to Andrew Brees my Eldest
16  Sonne and ..ire all that tenement of Lands with its …
17  tenan.es commonly known and taken by the name of Fany
18  Thomas Ingram … lam with houses barns Gardens Orchards woods underwoods
19  Liberties Easments and Commodityes whatsoever unto the sayd
20  Andrew Brees my Eldest sonn him and his heirs forever
21  to have and to hold in as large an ample manor as In.
22  do occupie and enjoy the same
23  Item I do devise and bequeath to Andrew Brees my Ealdest sonn and
24  Heie all that tenement of lands with its apertenances commonly …
25  and taken by the name of .elecoid situate li ng and being in the
26  Township of GlinFrevnant and parish of Treveglwis but the …
27  er.enement .anylanis situate and lying in the Township of
28  Eschireth and in the sayd parish of Treveglwis Both in the
29  County of Montgomery unto him the sayd Andrew Brees
30  my eldest sonne and Heir to have and to hould him and his
31  Heirs forever with all thoues out houses Barnes bildings G…
32  orchards poods underwoods waters water cour.es all Lib… …
33  And commidityes what foever
34  Item I do devise give and bequeath to the sayd Andrew Brees my …
35  .. sonn and their all that Tenement of Lands with its Apurtenances
36  comonly known and taken by the name of Byrdir sittuate lyin
37  and being in the township of Escheireth and parish of Treveglwis

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38  Andrew Brees
39  his last will and
40  Testament

41  And County of Montgombery unto him the sayd Andrew …
42  my Eldest sonn and Heir to ahve and to hould him and his heirs forever
43  Item I give and bequeath to the sayd Andrew Brees my Eldest sonn and ..
44  … Furnag.es and one Fute and one .erton and an Iron sku.. fo
43  spiess and press plate and thses ..aire of sheeres and the Engine …
44  the fulling Mill and all apertenances belonging to the shop and …
45  …
46  Item My Will is that my Sonne Andrew Brees is Charged …
47  Lue of the sayd dyehouse and the shop and the new fulling Mill and En..
49  to the dyehouse and the shop and thenen fulling Mill and …
50  … … maner and form as … that i… that the sayd Andrew
51  Brees my Eldest sonne and Heir shall pay the Full Summe of
52  Foure score pounds of currant English money to his brothers and
53  sister in maner and form as foloweth,
54  Imprimis first of all to his brother Richard Brees the Full Sum
55  of Twenty pounds of currant English money when he Ataines …
56  the age of one and twenty years
57  Item to Samuell Brees the full summs of twenty pounds of
58  currant English money to be payd when he ataines ye age of
59  one and twenty years
60  Item to John Brees the full summe of twenty pounds of …
61  an . English money to be payd when he atainnes ye age of
62  fourteen years.
63  Item to Bridgerd Brees the full summe of twenty pounds of
64  current English money to be payd when she ataines the age of
65  fourteen years.
66  Item my Will is … the Executors hearafter mentioned ars to pay to Bridgerd
67  Brees the full summs of twenty pounds of currant English money to be
68  Payd when shee attains the age of fourteen years
69  Item my will is in case ye the sayd Richard Brees or the sayd
70  ell Brees shall de part this life Before they ataine or accomplish the age
71  of one and twenty years that Legacy is to be equaly devided amongst
72  Item my will is … if my sonne John Brees or my daughter Bridgerd Brees
73  to depart this life before they ataine or Accomplish the age of fourteen
74  years that their legacy is to be equaly devided between ye rest

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75  Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Bridgiard Brees all my
76  personall Estate goods cattels and chatels and househould stuff and Imp
77  amounts of husbandry except one wagon
78  Item It is my will y. my … … Brees shall have … sayd wagon
79  and a .cere of sheep and a … a … … mare
80  Lastly I do nominate and apoynt Bridgard my well beloved wife and my
81  sonne Richard Brees so be my soule Executors of this my Last
82  Will and Testament to see my will performed my Lega.es and dep
83  Payd and funarall expences In Wittness hereof I havehere unto p.
84  my hand and seal to this my last will and Testament being contained
85  in one sheet of paper dated ye thirtieth day of October 1706
86  Red sealed and delivered
87  To my executors in the
88  p.e.en.e and sight of
89  Andrew Brees
90  Richard Swancott
91  Jonathan Swancott
92  Morgan Jones

92  … imo die December 1707
93  Quo die probat approbap and insinnat. fuil hoc p..on.
94  .estum in .omm.. Juni fornia conmss.. … … …
95  .on… … ipsn.s defh … supra.o.. do be.. …
96  … …sonala In.a. … …
97  Thomas Ingram Snr

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98  A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattle
99  Chattels and personall Estate of Andrew Brees of Trefeglwys
100  in the Diocese of Bangor, and County of Montgomery
101  Dyer lately deceased Apprised and vallued the
102  Twentyth day October, in the yeare of Lord God
103  One Thousand seaven hundred and seaven, by Phillip
104  Swancott, Jonathan Swancott, Samuell Brees and
105  Nathaniell Bebb as followeth viz.

106                                                                                                    £              s              d
107 Six weareinge apparell and purse                              09          00          00
108 Six oxen                                                                               10           00          00
109 Eleaven Cowes                                                                   16           10           00
110 Two Bullocks                                                                      02           00          00
111 Seaven yonge beasts                                                       05           05           00
112 Five calves                                                                           01           12            00
113 One horse and one mare and calf                               05          00           00
114 Six sco.e sheepe of all sorts                                          14          00            00
115 Two Piggs                                                                             00          14            00
116 Poultry                                                                                  00          0.            00
117 Houseshould stuff                                                             10         00            00
118 Butter and cheese                                                             01         00            00
119 All the Implement of … … dry                                     01         10             00
120 All the Corne and hay in the Barns                            01         10            00
121 Money att use                                                                    20         00           00
122 Twenty Sheepe                                                                  20          50           00
123 One Bay Mare                                                                    04           00          00
124 One Wagen                                                                          06          00           00
125 All the Furnaces and other instruments                85           00          00
126 belonginge to the shop and Dyehouse
127 .epts for Dying                                                                   02          00          00

128  Apraisers
129 Jonathan Swancott
130 Nath Bebb
131 Samuel Brees

Transcribed by Alison Bryan, ix.ix.mmxi

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